Anvil Of Pain Iron Key Resist Chemicals Ant Poison When used, these magical crystals will summon monsters to aid you in battle. When set on fire, they will explode. Barrel Of Oil Magical Gem Magical Necklace Brass Key A weapon of great power sought by the dwarven clans for countless generations. This mighty weapon has great religious significance. This magnificent weapon is commonly held to be the best hope for salvation against the force of giants that terrorize the land. This magical horn is so annoying when blown, it provokes some creatures to attack or lose their balance. Iron Maiden They look oddly familiar and resemble stygian wishing coins. Gloomy Ring Wine When invoked, this gem will radiate a brilliant magical light. In combination with flame, this becomes a poor man's fireball. Heavy Iron spikes capable of being driven into the hardest of stone. A highly polished plate of pure silver. A strong coil make of Hemp and Flax. What they lack in taste they more than make up for in nutrition. These green marbles will engulf a large area in green magical flame. Gnath/Ogre Contract that you took from the gnath commanders hut. These things belonged to the blacksmiths son. Paper of superior quality needed for the etchings of magical words. A stout stick covered in pitch. Beast Lizard Egg Sturdy shafts that fly straight and true. A magical wrapping capable of binding up to five scrolls. A magical wrapping capable of binding up to five scrolls. A magical wrapping capable of binding up to five scrolls.